Saturday, March 17, 2012

Welcome to The Cookhouse

I started a small pecan business, Molly and Me Pecans, a few years ago and needed a commercial kitchen to cook in.  Unfortunately there were no commercial kitchens in the area so we started looking for a building to buy and move on to our property that we could put a kitchen in.  Across the road from our house we noticed an old metal building in the woods.  We rode the 4-wheeler over to check it out and see if it would work for us.  It was one large room with nothing in it but some sheetrock on the walls and a few outlets.  There was one occupant, however, a small bat!  I am not sure who was more scared, me or the bat.  We continued looking for another alternative but finally decided to buy the building across the street.  Fred jacked it up and put it on a trailer, then moved it to our property with a tractor. 

Fred did the majority of the work on the inside, including new sheetrock, electricity and plumbing.  He divided the big room into three separate rooms so we could add a bedroom and a bathroom for guests.  We bought and installed a 3 compartment sink, double ovens, and a refrigerator and I was in business! 

I love cooking in the cookhouse because I can look outside and see the horses in the field and chickens running around.  It has a tin roof so it's really nice when it rains and the commute is great too - just a walk down the driveway.

I had kind of taken the past year off because my pecan trees didn't produce enough and the price of pecans went up, but I really need to get back to work.  It's time to make some money!  I will be doing the Kiawah Farmers Market starting in June and still have them in a few stores around Charleston, but I have been thinking about doing a sales trip up the coast.  I need to get them in more stores.  Man, I wish I had taken some marketing or business classes when I was in school.  I love cooking all the different flavors of pecans and packaging them in cute little packages, but I really don't know much about marketing them. 


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