Monday, March 5, 2012

Help, I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up

After two days of rain, the dogs and I were ready to get outside.  After my usual routine of feeding the horses and donkeys, letting the chickens out of the chicken coop for the day and throwing the ball for the dogs, I decided to take the dogs for a walk.  I had on my boots because of the standing water on our path in the woods, my carhartt jacket because it was cool and windy and my phone in my pocket.  I was enjoying the walk and the dogs were thrilled to be out of the house and splashing through the large puddles along the path.  The best part was the wind blowing through the tall pines and making the most wonderful rustling noise.  I stopped several times just to enjoy the trees swaying in the wind.  A perfect morning.

After a while I decided we had better head back to the house.  As I walked along the path and the dogs ran ahead of me, I stepped into a puddle and my feet slipped out from under me.  Down I went!  I knew I wasn't hurt but immediately soaked through my jeans and down into my boots.  As I started to get up, the dogs ran over to play.  They were all over me, jumping around and splashing.  Every time I started to get up, they would jump on me again, sure that I was there to play in the mud and water with them.  Finally, I think they must have heard something in the woods, because they all ran off together, happy to investigate the unknown.  Muddy and soaked, I was able to get to my feet and drip back to the house.  As I poured the water out of my boots and peeled my wet socks off I was thinking "So much for my perfect morning!"

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