Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rogue Donkey

Lilly, my brown donkey, has been escaping the pen daily, sometimes several times a day.  We knew something was wrong with the electric fence, but had not had a chance to find out what was going on.  All I know is she kept getting out.  Once out, she would graze around the house and hay field, not going too far but not staying in the pen either.  After putting her in the fence three times today only to watch her go right back out a few minutes later, I called Fred and left him an urgent message that he had to come home and fix the fence.  I just couldn't take it any more.  I love Lilly but lately I've been referring to her as "that damn donkey".  Sorry for the bad language, but I can't get anything else done!  Fred came home and spent a couple of hours putting a new electric box in and making sure it works.

----- UPDATE -----
It's 12:30 a.m. and I'm just about to head to bed when I look out the kitchen window and guess what I see? 

Lilly drinking water out of the dogs' plastic pool in the backyard!  Out again -
That Damn Donkey