Sunday, March 4, 2012

Do You Ever Wonder . . .

Do you ever wonder what your animals are thinking?  I know that sounds crazy but I was just thinking about that today. 

I wonder what my chickens are thinking about me.  Do they go into the chicken coop at night and talk about me?  Do they say to each other, "Oh she's wonderful!  Isn't she great?"  Or maybe they're saying "Can you believe her?  She didn't even let us out this morning until 10 o'clock!  Hasn't she ever heard the saying the EARLY bird gets the worm?!" 

As I look out the window and see my donkeys standing in the rain, looking so pitiful, I think they might be saying to each other "Can't she see us out here, soaked to the bone?  Look at her in that warm, dry house.  Doesn't she even care?! And when is she going to get her boots on and come out here anyway?  I'm hungry."

Of course we know dogs can not talk but can communicate in mysterious ways.  Take Fred's dog, Diesel, for example.  He will sit in front of me staring at my plate and I know he's trying mental telepathy.  He's willing the food to fall off the plate on to the floor.  Or he'll stare at me.  I know he's thinking, "Look how adorable I am.  You know you can't resist me.  I need that last cookie." 

Maybe I've been in the house too long today.  I need to get out of here.

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