Saturday, March 10, 2012

Did I mention I got this in Paris?

I have not done much traveling outside the U.S. so I was thrilled when I got an opportunity to go to Germany a few months ago.  My son-in-law was stationed in Ramstein, Germany and my daughter was over there with him, staying off base so I went over for two weeks to visit them and see some of the country.  Germany is wonderful, with each small village having a castle up above the town.  It was cold and we had to bundle up wherever we went, but it was an amazing trip that I will never forget.  I would love to go back, rent a car and drive through the countryside for a couple of weeks during the summer.  It is a beautiful place.  We went to a big flea market in Homberg and I bought some large old milk cans that I brought back in my suitcases.  I stuffed my clothes inside each of them.  I was surprised that security at the airport didn't pull me out of line once they saw these big metal canisters inside my suitcases.  They probably just looked at me and thought, "Another crazy American.  They buy the weirdest stuff!"  Anyway, I'm just happy to see them sitting on my front porch.  They look great.

Heather and I took the train to Paris for a couple of days and had a ball.  The train ride itself is an adventure but Paris is like nothing I have ever seen before.  The buildings themselves are all works of art, with so many carvings and statues, and there is just so much to see.  The subways were intimidating to me and very confusing, but luckily Heather took charge and handled all of that.  I would probably still be there, trying to find my way home, if she had not been with me.  We both love to sew so we were anxious to go to their famous textile district and buy fabric.  We fell in love with so many things and brought back fabrics we just don't see here in the US (at least not in South Carolina).

I had to laugh at myself because for a few weeks after I got back, I caught myself saying "I got that in Paris" or "I got that when I was in Germany" alot in conversation.  I don't like to brag, but . . . well okay, maybe just a little.  

Paris, France is pretty much the opposite of my life in Holly Hill, South Carolina.  It's an amazing place to visit, but I couldn't imagine living there.  I have to admit, though, I am saving my pennies just in case they go back for another deployment.  Save me a spot on the couch.

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