Thursday, January 12, 2012

In the Beginning . . .

I have always wanted to live in the country so once our kids left the nest, it was time to make the move.  Fred and I bought an old farm house and some land and have been having fun every day since then.  We enjoy the feeling of being out here, the peaceful woods, the horses and chickens and the garden.  Sounds just perfect, right?  Well, one thing I have learned out here is that I don't know anything!  I've made lots of mistakes and learned all sorts of interesting (including stinky, smelly and yucky) things along the way.  I have been sharing my stories with family through email but thought it was time to share my new found knowledge and mistakes with everyone.  I'll tell you all about our old house and the renovation, the farm animals, my cottage business and all the crazy stuff that goes on around here.

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