Saturday, May 12, 2012

Is That Stealing?

I need your advice.  I am going to tell you my dilemma and you tell me what you would do. 

I have been over at my daughter's condominiums the last few days helping her and we are actually helping her to move out tomorrow.  While I was there I noticed a huge hydrangea (like 7' tall) behind her condo building with a few small "baby" plants coming up underneath it.  Now I am 99% sure that if the lawn guys see these small offspring, they will pull them up and throw them away like weeds or just run over them with a lawnmower.  I would really love to pull them up, take them home and plant them in my flowerbeds, but is that stealing?  I thought about finding one of their groundskeepers and asking him if I can have them, but what if he says no, then I'm stuck thinking that they will still rip them up and throw them away and I won't be able to save them because I had already asked about them.  Maybe not asking and just plucking them when no one is looking is the answer, but then will I feel guilty because I didn't ask. 

I guess we could look at it as stealing or we could look at it as saving a life.  (okay, I know that's a stretch.  My moral compass is spinning.)
Note:  Fred just gave me his opinion.  He said it is stealing if I don't ask and I know he's right.  Darn it.  (He said that doesn't mean he wouldn't take it anyway.)

Okay, I need your input.  Please hit comment at the bottom of this post and let me know what you would do.


  1. Who in the world could say NO to you? They are going to take one look at you and think to themselves, "of course we'll share our baby plants with that sweet thing." Or bake them some cookies, hand them a treat and then ask. Either way... you'll get your plants! Miss you!

  2. Thanks Lori. You are so sweet. You are the only one to give me advice and I love the cookie bribe idea! Turns out Heather and I were moving her stuff and cleaning the apartment until 12:30 a.m. so I said the heck with the plants, I'm going home. I had to drive an hour home dog tired and the plants were just not a priority anymore! They can stay where they are. No guilt for me.

  3. I dont think its stealing. As long as its not the huge one... why would they be upset for you just taking a few plants. But on the other hand. whats the harm for asking. the worst they can say is no :)
