Monday, March 19, 2012

I Am No Martha Stewart

We have a large pile of pavers that my husband bought several years ago and I plan on using them for my garden beds this year so I backed the truck up to the pile and started loading them into the bed of the truck.  Fred said to be careful because there might be a snake or mice in the pile but he was busy clearing and burning so he couldn't help.  Great!  I had on heavy gloves and boots and as I was loading the truck, I started thinking about Martha Stewart. 

I was thinking that we are alike in some ways, but very different in others.  She has a farm, I have a farm.  They are similar in size, both of us have chickens and donkeys.  She likes to bake, I like to bake.  She throws great parties, has her own TV show, writes books and does amazing flower arrangements - wait, who am I kidding?  We're not alike at all.   I was thinking to myself as I was stacking pavers in the truck, how does she do it?  She has the same amount of hours in the day as the rest of us, yet she seems to be able to do it all perfectly.  Then it dawned on me.  She has a staff.  She has a staff to help her take care of the animals and gardens at the farm.  She has another staff that helps her with her show, making sure all she needs is at her fingertips.  That might explain some of it, but she is still pretty amazing when you think about it.  Heck, by the time I get up and get dressed in the morning, she has probably planned a wedding, written 3 or 4 chapters in her next book and put a gourmet meal for 10 in the crockpot for dinner!

I wonder if she could send some of her staff over here to help me with these pavers.

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