Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rescue Me

One day I got a call from my daughter-in-law saying we need to go adopt a dog from the SPCA.  I had been reading about how they were overflowing with dogs from recent disasters in other areas and were in dire need of help but I already had two big dogs, Molly and Diesel, and had been dogsitting my daughter's dog for four months, so I did not think I could handle another one.  I also didn't think I could love another dog as much as I love Molly and Diesel ,but rationalized that since we have plenty of room and could help, we probably should. 

When we got to the SPCA, I fell in love all over again.

Hannah is all energy and 100% affection.  She adores Molly and Diesel and keeps us laughing all the time.  She has never met another animal she didn't like and will stand very still under the horses so that they can sniff her from one end to the other and will play tag with the donkeys.  They love her!  When we first got her, she'd run around playing for awhile, then jump into the horses water to cool off.

When I first saw Hannah at the shelter, she had a burn down her back.  Apparently whoever had her before had done it with lighter fluid.  It has something to do with dog fighting from what we're told, but her traumatic start in life has not altered her loving personality one bit.  She loves everyone.

I guess if I have any advice about adding another animal to your life, do it.  I didn't want another dog, didn't think I needed another one, but you know what?  She's been such a great addition to our family, we can't imagine not having her now.  There are so many dogs like Hannah at the shelters, just hoping for a family of their own.  If you can help by adopting one of them, you won't regret it, I promise.

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