Friday, May 4, 2012

The Secret to a Great Garden

Since I have been working in the garden this year, I have come to a realization.  I am an impatient gardener.  I want to just buy plants, stick them in the ground and have a wonderful bounty of food but it just doesn't work that way.  It's hard work, plain and simple.  I guess the old saying "you only get out of it what you put into it, is true about a garden.  I thought the "no till" garden sounded simple and it probably is, if done right, but whether you till your garden or not, there is still a lot of preparation before you can actually grow food.  There are no shortcuts.  Planning and preparation, which I am not good at, is key to a good garden.   I may, after ten years or so, have the kind of garden that you see in magazines but I guess I just need to enjoy each garden, good or bad, beautiful or kind of ugly, and learn a little more each year.  Whether I'm doing it right or wrong, I can still enjoy the feel of dirt on my hands and the sun on my face and what could be better than that!

This is what the beds are supposed to look like.  Do this -

Not this -

I got up early this morning and dug up the plants in three beds so I can kill the grass, till the dirt and replant.  I am an expert at growing grass by the way, maybe I should start a sod company! 
The secret to a great garden?  Planning, preparation and patience.  I'll work on that.

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