Friday, May 25, 2012

Out of the Back of a Truck

I just got back a few days ago from Illinois.  I had never been there before, but my daughter was heading there for a few days and I went with her for a girls trip.  We love hanging out together and had a great time with her in-laws when we got there. 

On Saturday we drove into town to buy a few things, and as we were heading into TJ Max, we saw a pickup truck drive into the parking with a bench in the back.  I have been looking for a bench to go in my kitchen for months but everything I had found was either too short or too long.  The bench we saw in the back of the truck was exactly what I had been looking for.  I told Heather I was going to ask them where they bought it and maybe I could get one.  I walked up to the guy getting out of the truck and asked him about the bench.  He deferred the question to his wife that was getting out on the other side.  Turns out they had bought it that morning from an individual so I figured they would not be interested in selling it, but she told me they were going to sell it at their flea market.  I asked how much she wanted for it and she said $250.  I told her I would think about it and she headed on into TJ Max.  I went inside and got Heather to come look at it up close.  We agreed it was just what I needed, so Heather suggested I offer her $210 in cash to take it.  Back into TJ Max I went, stalking the lady with the bench.  I found her and she agreed to take $210.  Her husband and I met up at the truck and transferred it to our vehicle.  It was mine!

I have friends tell me that they would never go up and just ask someone if they'd sell something but I do it all the time.  If I see something on someone's property that I would like to have, an old shed, a glider on the porch, whatever it is, I have no problem knocking on someone's door and introducing myself.  It never hurts to ask and you never know what treasures you may take home!

I made these two pillows last night out of material I bought in Paris.  The wire basket underneath is from my trip to Germany too.

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