Monday, May 14, 2012


When I am not feeling up to a walk with the dogs in the morning I jump on my 4-wheeler and let them run while I ride.  Hannah loves to see me with 4-wheeler keys because she can run as fast as she wants to and doesn't have to wait for me to catch up with her when I'm walking.  Today was one of those days.  I didn't sleep well and it's supposed to rain this morning so I thought I'd take a quick ride and let the dogs get a run in, but my 4-wheeler battery was dead.  I have a small 4-wheeler and I really like riding it but I didn't want to fool with the battery charger so I went back inside and got Fred's 4-wheeler keys.  Now, Fred's 4-wheeler looks like a 4-wheeler on steroids so it's a rough ride but it can go over or through pretty much anything. 

Diesel loves to ride on the 4-wheeler so he jumped on the back behind me and we took off.  It rained yesterday so it was fun to ride through the muddy water but what I didn't realize was that the mud would fly up in clumps all over the place.  The first wack on the back of the head was not expected so I thought maybe Diesel had hit me, but then the clumps of mud started flying from the front tires all around me too.  I was getting hit in the face, on the back of my head and all over my clothes.  It wasn't the soupy kind of mud, but hard clumps.  Good thing I hadn't taken my shower for the day because I really needed one when I got back.

I did ride by the old homestead (sounds better than creepy house) but didn't see "Buzz", the local resident today.  The dogs didn't even bother to go inside and see him.  

Time to get cleaned up and get my computer desk cleaned off.  It's been a mess but I've been waiting for a good rain day.

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