Thursday, May 10, 2012

Can I Have That Fried, Please?

I have never liked cooked vegetables.  I know it's not healthy, but I've avoided them all  my life.  My earliest memory of green peas is when I was a child and my mother said I could leave the table if I just ate one spoonful of peas.  The only way I could get them down was to take a big drink of sweet tea and swallow them whole.  I hated the smell and taste of peas, still do.  The joke around my house when my kids were growing up was "if it's green, mom won't eat it."  Sad but true.  Luckily my kids grew up enjoying all kinds of vegetables despite my poor example.

I realized a few years ago that my distaste for vegetables is due to texture.  I don't like anything slimy or squishy.   I also realized, however, that I can enjoy some vegetables if they are fried.  I have eaten okra, zucchini, squash and eggplant fried and really liked it.  The crisper, the better.

I probably don't get as much nutritional value in fried veggies, but at least I'm not still swallowing them whole any more!

Speaking of fried -

I tried the first recipe in the cookbook I mentioned previously and it was Buttermilk Fried Flounder!  Super easy and tasted really yummy.  Basically it's the same as frying fish with oil, flour and salt and pepper, but you simply dredge the fish in buttermilk, leave it for a couple of minutes, then dust with flour, salt and pepper and deep fry it.  Maybe I should have picked a more complex cookbook, but this is right up my alley.  Keep it simple, that's my motto.  Okay, it's not really my motto but I that's how I like things - simple.

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