Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Random Thoughts

As I was out feeding "the girls" (i.e., the chickens) this morning, I started thinking about all kinds of random things.  I guess my mind was wandering and I never know where it will take me.

Anyway, here are some of my random thoughts ~

Milk - Why can't you buy the little cartons of milk like you used to get in grade school for personal use?  I don't use milk very often and it's just the two of us, so I end up throwing out old milk and wasting money all the time.  I would like to buy one small kid-sized milk when I go to the grocery store.  What's wrong with that?

Eggs - We have an basket of eggs that I need to get rid of.  Again, only two people eating an egg each day for breakfast is a losing battle when you're collecting 4-5 a day, so I have been trying to think of ways to use them up.  I have a pound cake recipe that uses 6 eggs so if I make about 5 cakes, I can put a dent in the egg basket.  Now I just need to figure out who I can give a pound cake to . . .

Flying Chicken - I have one hen that can fly up to the top of the fence around the chicken yard and does so every day.  What I can't understand is why she feels it necessary to announce it every time.  She makes a huge fuss while sitting up there.  Is she bragging in front of the other chickens or is she mocking me and my 6' fence? 

Dogs - Why is it that a dog who will remain anonymous can play outside all morning, then come into the house and pee on a rug?  Or sit on the same couch for years, then one day chew up a pillow on the couch?  Why?  I don't understand that.

Spiders - Why do spiders shoot their webs from tree to tree across a dirt road or path?  Do they really expect to catch a person in their tiny little web?  Or maybe they're hoping to catch a deer, who knows?  Not me. 

Nesting Chicken - I have a chicken that has been nesting and won't leave her eggs.  I have tried to explain to her that since she doesn't have a boyfriend, there is no chance that her eggs are fertile and she can sit on them until the cows come home (if we had cows, I mean) but they won't hatch.  She's not buying it. 

White T-shirts - I don't understand why I can't wear a new white t-shirt for 5 minutes without getting it dirty.  No matter where I am or what I'm doing, it's going to be stained.  OR I'll actually think I made it through the day without any stains, then wash it and pull it out of the dryer and there will be a stain.  Where did it come from?  How does that happen? 

Alright, one more random thought for today -

Skinny Jeans - I don't understand why the commercials for jeans that are supposed to make you look skinny show super thin models dancing around in them.  Do they really think we believe that we'll look that skinny if we buy their jeans?  Put a real size person in them and let us decide!

Okay, I am not sure where all of that came from, but I feel better getting it all out.  If you have any answers to my questions, please comment.  I need all the help I can get!

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