Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hey Mother Nature, We Need to Talk!

Okay, I understand that we live out in the country and near the woods, but really - three snakes in three days!?  And not all the same but three different kinds.  First, the copperhead, then the king snake and now this morning I was out cutting grass and the third snake was laying out in the yard.  I had no idea what kind it was but it was about 3' - 4' long. 

I called Fred at work to ask him what kind of snake is gray on the top and bright orange on the bottom.   He told me that it's not a poisonous snake, according to the head size, so I can just put him back out in the woods so he won't get the baby chicks.  Right!  I told him that snake could lay right where he was until he got home from work. 

Mother Nature, let's make a deal.   I'll take care of the domestic animals if you'll take care of the wild ones.  Keep your snakes out in the woods - WAY out in the woods!

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