Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A few little feathers . . .

A few weeks ago I had a hen that was nesting.  She was sitting on about 5 eggs from different hens and I didn't bother her.  I was gone for a couple of weeks and upon my return, I checked on the hen to see if she was still sitting there.  She was, so we decided to push her out of the nest and get the eggs since they had been sitting so long.  Okay, that was our first mistake.  We should have just let her stay on them.  We took 22 eggs out from under her and brought them inside.  Yes, I said 22!

My husband told me if they floated, they were no good but if they dropped to the bottom of a pot of water, they were good.  I tried this and threw out the two that floated, putting the rest in the refrigerator.  When I took an egg out the next day or so, I started to crack it and noticed it was black inside.  I was freaked out but luckily my hero, Fred, came and discarded it.  I cracked 3 more and they were fine. 

When the scouts came for their camping trip this past weekend, I gave them 3 dozen eggs to use (and get rid of) so I could start fresh with new eggs.  They were happy to have them until one of the scouts cracked open an egg for breakfast and found what apparently was the beginning of a baby chick with little feathers and all.  Being boys, they were slightly amused and grossed out at the same time, but decided they did not want any more eggs.   A few little feathers can really ruin a breakfast.

I am trying to decide what to do with my rooster.  I didn't buy a rooster, but he was a baby chick that has grown up and is now fertilizing my eggs.  I am thinking about getting rid of him and posting a "GIRLS ONLY / NO BOYS ALLOWED" on my hen house.  I do, however, love to hear him crow in the morning.  Decisions, decisions.

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