Sunday, February 12, 2012

Another Chicken Backpack?!

As we all know, Diesel wore the first chicken backpack but I am afraid there could be a chicken backpack in Hannah's future as well.  She can't leave the chickens alone no matter how much trouble she gets into.  She's not trying to kill them, she doesn't have a mean bone in her body.  She just likes plucking their feathers.  She pins them down and just pulls feathers out by the mouth full.

Three of my chickens left home.  I thought they must have gotten killed out in the woods but I couldn't find any feathers or signs of a struggle.  Turns out, they just left home.  They were residing under the cookhouse at the front of the property.   I guess they would rather live up there, eating the cat food than come back to their little chicken coop and be continuously molested by Hannah.  One of the ones that left home had already been "plucked" by her.  I named her Baldy.

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