Saturday, February 4, 2012

Anybody See Anything Wrong with this Picture?

Last summer I went away for a weekend with the girls.  When I got back I went out to my garden to "gather the crops" that I was sure had grown like crazy while I was away a few days.  This picture is the total amount I gathered.  The little red dots are my tomatoes.  They were not cherry tomatoes but supposed to be regular size tomatoes.  The zucchini was big enough to feed a family of 8 or use as a lethal weapon.  The okra, well, I just cut them up and we ate them, all of them, in one bite.

The corn never got big enough to bother with but the donkeys and horses enjoyed eating the stalks and Diesel loved ripping the stalks out of the ground so he at least got some exercise out of it.  Squash never made an appearance, nor did watermelon or anything else I planted, oh, except the lettuce.  I had a nice row of romaine lettuce but it tasted terrible.  Not to be deterred, I will try again this year.

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