Monday, April 16, 2012

I'm Not Saying Buzzards Can Read But . . .

As you know I wrote about our resident buzzard(s) in the creepy house in the back of the property and yesterday as I was on our usual walk, the dogs ran into the creepy house and started barking like crazy.  I was standing in the front yard of the house, checking out the plants I could salvage and replant at my house, when I heard this big SWOOSH.   Just as I looked up, the buzzard came flying out of the front door of the house right at me.  I ducked just in time but I swear, I think I saw him smirking at me as he flew up in a nearby tree.  Have you ever seen a buzzard up close?  It's wing span looks about 20' wide when you're standing in front of a buzzard in flight.

This morning on our walk, Hannah went into the house but Molly and Diesel did not.  Turns out, Hannah is not intimidating enough by herself and she couldn't flush the buzzard out alone.  She tried, really, she did.  I'll bet the buzzard was watching her jump around and bark and was thinking "how adorable." 

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