Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Get It Now

My mom and dad have had fruit trees in their yard in Florida for years.  Every year they are overloaded with fresh grapefruit, lemons, tangerines and oranges which they share with their friends and family.  I have always enjoyed walking around the yard with my mom or dad looking at their trees as they outdid themselves but I have never had fruit trees myself until now.

Fred and I bought plum, apple, peach, pear and fig trees and I have to tell you, I get it now.  There is nothing like the feeling of joy when you see tiny little peaches or plums on your tree for the first time.  I know it sounds silly but I get so excited to go out there each morning and see what has transpired since the day before. 

I spent an hour or so outside this morning with the hose and Miracle Grow attached fertilizing the trees, the garden and the bushes and flowers around the house.  It is a beautiful day and so nice to be outside. 

The garden is still a work in progress and I'm guessing it will stay a work in progress from now on.  Fred has got the fence almost finished and has built me a big gate which I will take pictures of and share with you soon.  The down side of the garden so far is that the chickens got into it and scratched around looking for earthworms and tore the newspapers in little shreds (along with some of my tiny plants) so now the grass has started peeking out.  I told Fred I may take one plot at a time and redo the newspapers and compost but it's not the end of the world so I'm just enjoying seeing the garden come together.

As I was out watering and fertilizing this morning, I was thinking how happy I am that our trees will be producing fruit for someone else someday after I'm gone.   Just like the pecan trees on our property that someone a long time ago planted with love, we now enjoy the fruits of their labor and some day someone else will enjoy the fruits of our labor!

I encourage you to go dig in the dirt somewhere today and enjoy!

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