Friday, April 6, 2012


My father had beehives in Alabama so we thought it would be good to have some here.  We thought it would give him something to do when he visited us here and he could teach us all about them.  He started having health problems so we ended up on our own.  We got the Beekeeping for Dummies book, suits for both of us and all the tools we needed.  We had bought our bees and had the hives so we were ready.  We drove our truck out to the beehives and Fred got out, got his suit on and the fogger and headed over to the hives.  I sat in the truck, with the window cracked, reading the directions to him, actually shouting them from the cracked window.    We were laughing at how silly we looked.  I then got my suit on and got up close and person with them.  It's really amazing to see them working together and how they interact.  We have not harvested any of the honey, but will be doing more with the bees this year. 

I like the idea that they play an important role in pollinating the flowers and crops around our area. 

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