Friday, June 8, 2012


 I wanted to share my treasures with you from Alabama and a couple of things from a junk/antique store in Georgia.   Here is a picture of the items I collected and brought back home.

The quilts are from my grandmother's house.  The top one is the quilt her family made for her when she was getting married.  I am honored to have them.

The minnow bucket and old sign were found in a junky store in a small town in Georgia.  It was one of those stores that things are stacked and hanging everywhere.  You could walk through ten times and see something you missed each time.  Love those kind of stores!

The cow mailbox is something Fred made for my grandmother a long time ago, but she was afraid it would be damaged if she put it out near the road, so it has sat on the floor of her living room all those years.  Maybe I'll put it in front of the cottage or the cookhouse. 

The old plow, two-man saw, tractor implements and old tool are from my parents' barn.  I brought them back for Fred.  Speaking of Fred, he's in Louisiana for a couple of days but will stop by my mom's house in Alabama on the way back and pick up my other treasures.  They were too big for me to get in the car.  I'll show you when they arrive!

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