Monday, June 11, 2012

Abandoned Four Wheeler

Why do these things always happen when Fred is out of town? 

I have a list of things I want to accomplish while Fred is away and I worked on one project all day yesterday.  I was feeling pretty good about my progress in the late afternoon and since the dogs had patiently hung out while I worked all day, I decided to run the four wheeler around the property and let them get some exercise before dark.  Diesel jumped on board (so much for his exercise) and away we went.  The water left standing from the past week of rain was pretty deep but I knew the four wheeler would make it.  We ran through the water with no problem, down the path past the old homestead and deer stands, and got almost to the end when the four wheeler died.  I sat there for a minute trying to get it to crank but was also thinking if I waited any longer it would be dark.  I felt stupid for being out there so unprepared.  I had on shorts and a tank top, no bug spray or cell phone.  Luckily I did have on my boots.  Thank God for those boots!  I weighed my options - through the thick woods or back down the path through the knee deep water.  I abandoned the four wheeler and started walking back through the water.  I picked up a long stick and poked in front of me through the water so I didn't step into a hole and fall in, and made it safely back to civilization.  Okay, it's not that far but being a little afraid of the dark and my hero being out of town, it seemed like a big deal to me at the time.   

A few misquito bites and some wet socks later, I was home.  Of course, when I got back to the house, Lilly was out.    A limb had fallen on the electric fence so she had an escape route.  She saw the dogs and started charging each of them, trying to get them to play.  She looked like a donkey on crack, jumping, kicking and running around everywhere.  I got a feed bucket and she followed me back into the pen.  While I was feeding everyone, Blaze, my horse, went to kick at the donkeys and accidentally kicked me - in the butt.  Nothing broken, but a big bruise I'm sure. 

Another day, another adventure. 

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