Thursday, June 7, 2012

Grandma's Moving Day

I just got back from Monroeville, Alabama where I visited my mom and a bunch of relatives.  I love Alabama and always enjoy the trip.  I went specifically because they were preparing to move my 95 year old grandmother in with my Aunt Donna and her husband, Mike, who live about an hour or so away, and wanted to help with packing up Grandma's house.  I knew it would be emotional and a little sad for my mom and I wanted to be there for her more than anything else.  Turns out, it went pretty smooth.  Grandma is quite the trooper, just keeps a smile on her face and doesn't complain.  Donna and Mike made every effort to make the transition a positive experience for her.  My uncles came and moved her furniture to her new home and since it was Donna's birthday, we had a surprise birthday party for her.  Let me tell you, when that whole family gets together, four brothers and three sisters, they are one crazy bunch. 

Grandma heading to her new home.

After eating and getting Grandma settled in for a nap, we were sitting on the front porch talking and the Hatfield and McCoy mini series came up.  We were joking about looking like the Hatfields or McCoys so Donna got some props, hats and guns, and we posed as the Hatfields (actually we looked more like the Beverly Hillbillies).  The only problem we had was getting everyone to stop laughing long enough to take a picture.  One of my uncles escaped, I mean left, before pictures were taken.

Yep, that's my family sitting there. . .

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